Investment Ideas
Investment Ideas;
For Your Money To Not Sit Idle & Fetch Returns in Future
Whenever we hear the word ‘Investment’, we often surround ourselves with some preconceived notions like – “investment is just like a gamble”, “investment is good for rich people only”, “it’s better to put money in a savings account than investing”, and many such myths that deviate us from the futuristic benefits of doing investments.
Also, investments become a second source of income when a person faces a money crunch due to any reason like unemployment, emergencies, etc. – and the best example is the coronavirus pandemic – during which lakhs of people were laid off from their jobs without the conventional prior notice. Here, the ones who had already invested might have been benefited from the returns and would have been successful in satisfying ends meet.
Coming to the investment ideas, it is really imperative to understand the nature of each type of investment and analyze your own profile through your age, profession, investment pursuits, lifestyle, risk appetite, etc. Only after such an analysis, you can find the best-suited investment medium. In the next section, we will look at the best investment ideas that are expected to create a scope for your money to gain good returns.
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Investment Ideas – Studded With Good Potential
- High-Yield Savings Account
- Direct Equity/Stocks Purchase
- Mutual Funds
- Cryptocurrency
- National Pension Scheme
- Debt Mutual Funds
The aforementioned ideas for investment are considered good mediums that could generate high returns against your invested principal amount. Let us discuss each of them in detail.
High-Yield Savings Account
Depending upon your account balance in a high-yield savings account, a particular amount of interest is paid in a fixed period of time. Though a high-yield savings account functions similar to an ordinary savings account, it is a medium through which you can gain higher interest. Also, if you are facing an emergency need for money in your primary account, you can easily transfer the money from your high-yield savings account to the primary one.
This type of investment is good for investors who want their principal amount to be safe and are looking for monetary gain in a shorter period of time. One great advantage of a high-yield savings account is the liquidity it offers – enabling you to add or remove your money at any desired instance.
Direct Equity/Stocks Purchase
Purchasing of stocks must be done with an aim to gain returns after a longer period of time. Though buying stocks may look a bit risky because of their volatile nature, it has been successful in giving returns due to inflation over time. But this kind of investment has to be done after thorough research of the market or you can consult an experienced market agent for better knowledge.
When it comes to purchasing stocks, you must look to improve your timing of entry and exit. Though no one can exactly predict the way the market will move, studying the market movements and nature of stocks in an in-depth manner can give a better understanding. If you want to start investing in stocks, it is mandatory for you to open a Demat account.
Mutual Funds
Investing in mutual funds is one of the most popular and sought investment options. Mutual funds are like a big pool where money has been taken by multiple investors – and this money is further invested in securities like short-term debt, bonds, stocks, etc. One of the advantages of investing in mutual funds is that it is managed by professional fund managers, so the decision of putting the money in which medium is an expertized one.
Also, mutual funds don’t depend on a single company, instead, they invest in multiple companies and industries. So with mutual funds, the risk factor is lower as even if one company faces losses, the other companies’ growth can compensate for it. The liquidity offered by mutual funds is also a favorable aspect as the investor can anytime withdraw their shares.
Cryptocurrency is nothing short of a revolution that has boomed over the last decade & it’s the one amongst good investment ideas; With coins such as BitCoin making it big, the future of this new-age and modern digital currency looks promising. Cryptocurrency has successfully managed to attract youngsters to make crypto investments, starting with as low as Rs.100. But, however fancy cryptocurrency might appear, one cannot overlook the fluctuations and unpredictability of its market.
Especially in India, over the past few weeks, Cryptocurrency has been in the news as there were talks of some regulations being imposed by the government. So, it is important for you to stay updated with it if you are thinking of investing in cryptocurrency. Also, as the risk involved in such an investment seems to be higher, you should put your money only if your risk appetite is considerably large.
National Pension Scheme
For the people who are looking forward to making investments to secure their retirement, the National Pension Scheme can be a good choice. The NPS is managed and operated by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA). This scheme invests in corporate bonds, government funds, liquid funds, fixed deposits, equity, and a few more.
As this scheme is a retirement-focussed one, having a Tier-1 NPS account will restrict the withdrawal of funds until the subscriber turns 60. So, based on your income structure, financial background, and risk resistance, you can decide how much money you can invest in the National Pension Scheme.
Debt Mutual Funds
Generally, one should invest in Debt Mutual Funds if they are seeking steady returns without taking much risk. These are considered as a less risky investment in comparison to equity funds due to the minimum volatility involved. The reason why debt mutual funds are perceived as less risky is that it invests in securities (like commercial paper, government securities, corporate bonds, treasury bills, etc.) that generate a fixed amount of interest.
As an investor, you must be aware that any type of investment cannot be completely free of risk – and debt mutual funds are no different. Some possible risks involved in such an investment are credit risk and interest rate risk. So, it is highly advisable for you to conduct in-depth research on the pros and cons of investing in debt mutual funds. You can also seek a bit of professional advice for the same.
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